Welcome to 2025, we are open.
No Metal Targets / Frames / Stands
There cannot be any metal targets/frames/stands downrange. If you need a target stand, there are some at the front gate for sale or you can download
TargetStand.pdf and build one yourself.
Target Placement and Distances
On the public ranges, the following must be done:
1. All targets must be 3 feet above the ground.
2. On ranges 4 through 9, all targets must be 7 yards (21 feet) from the firing line.
3. On range 3, targets must be placed at least 100 yards from the firing line.
We now have a clipboard at the front gate that replaces the waiver sheets. The rules are still the same and a handout is available that has the waiver description on it.
A range officer will be present during all hours of operation and those that do not sign the waver (even season pass holders) will be told to leave. The range officer operating the long distance range area will be handling the waivers at that site.
The front gate now has a phone available and the number is 541-292-0043. If you are at the range and have a problem, you can call the front gate for assistance.
The line is available during normal operating hours and this line has voicemail.
This months winners are Tamera D and Tricia A. The next raffle will be held April 10th, 2025.
Public range operating hours
Daily, from 8:00 AM until approximately 30 to 45 minutes before sunset.
There is no annual membership fee, there is a daily gate entry fee of $5.00 per shooter. Yearly passes are also available for the individual shooter $25.00 or a family pass for $40.00 that covers household family members and children under the age of 18. Passes can be purchased from Range Officers on the range. All monies from the gate and pass fees are reinvested back into the complex for improvements.
Fees are only payable with cash or check. No credit or debit cards.